After trips overseas, Alabama, Florida, and The Bahamas, we are headed to thea Lone Star state. Despite the frequent flier opportunities, I honestly can’t wait to stay home for a weekend.
But this trip is going to be a fun one. We are celebrating the marriage of one of Michael’s first cousins. It’s really odd. Michael only has TWO first cousins. I on the other hand come from a huge southern family. We’re talking 9 first cousins on just my mother’s side of the family! Not to mention the second and third “kin” that I am just as close to.
So I have my bagged packed and I am ready to go…sitting at the airport. I think I recently jinxed myself. Bragging about how my flights are never delayed and I always receive my luggage, was just asking for a problem. The past two flights I have taken have been delayed. And not just a few minutes sitting around to board the plane…try over 3 hours sitting on the tarmac! Add to that the odd Dutchman sitting behind me continually giving my back a nice massage with his knees and the bitchy woman next to me who I strongly believe is texting about me to her girlfriends and it makes for an interesting flight.
But anyways, taking this trip has made me realize that I am not alone when it comes to appreciating the benefits of Vera Bradley. Although MANY, and when I mean MANY we’re talking most of my immediate family, friends, and husband do not enjoy the vibrant and loud prints. My mom said it best when she said I look like a 65-year old woman getting ready to head to a knitting session. Or my husband who thinks the prints are just god-awful. But then again he does own over 20 blue button-downs, so maybe he needs to realize variety is the spice of life (I kid, I kid…).
As I was getting out the cab what did I see…Vera. As I headed through security what did I see…Vera. And as I walked through the terminal what did I see…take a guess…Vera Bradley. You see everyone else must appreciate the lightweight, pack it until it bursts, and throw it into the washing machine when you get home abilities of Vera Bradley luggage.
I proudly rock my quilted, monogrammed backpack and carrying my bright pink duffels. Yes, I can be easily spotted in a crowd. And I have been known to coordinate my outfit to my luggage and not realize it.
But for all of you haters out there I preach to you this…next time you are waiting for your boring black suitcase on the conveyor belt, watch as I immediately spot my brightly patterned bag with confidence. I KNOW it’s my bag, no need to check the tag…Well that is until the 65-year old woman next to me goes to grab the bag too. I guess the luggage appeals to all ages…