Don't get me wrong, I love writing my random musings, but lately there has been a problem. I'M BUSY. Yes, I know I don't technically work 40 hours and yes, Michael and I are going and doing lots of fun things. I guess the true confession is...I don't know what I am doing wasting my time away.
So my loyal followers let's begin anew.
Here's a short summary of the past month.
Went to Dallas: saw lots of Michael's side of the family. Went to a wedding, ate A LOT and enjoyed the state of Texas
Cheered on my favorite (I guess it shouldn't be favorite because they are technically the only team I pull for) college football team:
Sorry, it's tradition...can't start a noon game without a little bit of Verdi...yes I am quite classy popping the bottle.
The prettiest girls I know in the SEC
Love my fellow gator!
What this picture doesn't show is that, sorry mom, southern girls don't just "glisten" they sweat...a lot.
The prettiest girls I know in the SEC
Love my fellow gator!
What this picture doesn't show is that, sorry mom, southern girls don't just "glisten" they sweat...a lot.
That had to be the hottest game I have ever attended in my life. Well, I'm sure they were hot while I was in college, but thank god for alcohol and a buzz. Both of which were impossible due to the heat.
Ate a lot of Maryland Blue Crab:
Ate a lot of Maryland Blue Crab: